Today we want to honour these African-Americans singers who are no longer with us, but each one of them left an eternal legacy we will never forget.
Many of the artists songs have been remix and sung by many other producers and singer over the years with James Brown songs leading the way. Music has no color nor boundaries, music is the bridge between all people. Music is one of the few entities where talent reigns supreme and the color of one’s skin isn’t a negative factor in the equation.
In America some people like to put music into two racially stigmatized categories, “white music” and “black music”. The reality is, “all music is black music”. If you’ve ever played an instrument you’ll know all the notes on the sheet are black so just think about that for a second. The only categories of music are good or bad and that solely dependent on one’s musical tastes… “Take it to the bridge”…
These artists unified everyone with their music and we honour them for their part in laying the foundation.
James Brown
Maurice White