I’m sharing this with an array of mixed emotions as I’m brokenhearted, angry, sad, hurt and really just numb. Sadly the one thing I’m not is… surprised.
This video is an accurate account of what happened and pretty much how I personally feel, with a “couple of exceptions”.
Although I don’t believe in the slogan “Defund The Police”, I absolutely believe law enforcement agencies nationwide need to be “reformed” top to bottom. From the Attorney Generals, Police Chiefs, right down to Rookie Officers, there needs to be a “vetting and training” overhaul. She also said “right wingers” which I disagree with because there are “left wingers” that are just as bad.
Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Independent or otherwise, we must understand “racism” is not a political issue. Racism is a moral, humanity, life or death issue that needs to change.
Paid leave, qualified immunity and secret grand juries all need to be banned. Bodycams should be made “mandatory” regardless of any national jurisdiction. The ultimate authority to request whether or not the footage is released and made public “immediately” should reside with the family.
Jonathan Price was previously at a Black Lives Matter protest “defending” police and some of their questionable actions. He was the “All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter” type of individual. Unfortunately he was killed by a “22 year old cop” working within the same system he was defending because of the color of his skin.
Systemic racism is so much a part of our daily lives, that it sometimes goes unnoticed. Until systemic racism is dealt with from the legislative and law enforcement end, please remember that in the eyes of society Black people are seen as Black first before being seen as anything else.
Regardless of your skin color, we are all one human family and we are all God’s children…